söndag 18 september 2016

Adding animals

I still work only 50% which means that quite some time is spent at home doing relaxing stuff to gain strength. And the weather has certainly helped to keep us all in good spirits. Johan found the "hängmatta" finally, and he managed to tie it to one of the apple trees. Felt great to sit there all afternoon last Sunday. Cecilia joined me with some homework, and icecream.

Beautiful weather and 25 degrees. Cannot complain.
Lunch last weekend outside. Luxury in September!

This weekend has suddenly felt as if autumn is coming. A bit more windy, and the yearly Kulturnatten i Lund - a day and night festival where a lot of culture is on display everywhere in the city, and you meet everyone you know, or havenot seen for a long time at various events, or in the cue to a drink or a local hotdog (Lundaknake). This year our highlight was that Cecilia performed with her oboe-group in a small concert arranged by the Kulturskolan ( The Cultureschool). Lots of classical pieces played by pupils from 8 to 12. And much of it sounded very nice!

One of the pink sunsets last week...

Our Sunday has been a real adventure. We finally went to pick up our cats, who are going to help us in the stables, and hopefully get the rats to dissapear. Two kittens, just abit more than 3 months, brother and sister, was picked up from my parents friends place, where they grew up.

Extremely curious of the new place, the kittens went exploring immidiately when we came home. But for some days we will try to keep them inside the stable... 

Turned out to be tough to move and meet new friends like rabbits and horses. The afternoon nap was as sudden and deep as the running and chasing a pretend mouse was intense the minute before. 
We hope that the cats will like it here, and fit in easily. They do not have proper names yet, because we were told it means bad luck to name them before they are 1 years old, but they have been adressed as Tass och Rackarn, two quite fitting names...

Inside the house Johan has started the next animal project - getting the aquarium settled in. It is a huge glassbox, and he has checked the floor in the living room and decided that we need some re-enforcements to be able to have the aquarium where we want it. With water in it it weighs around 1000 kg. Today he has started the lifting of the big thing, in order to get the beams and the protection underneeth it. Then we soon can add some fish as well!!!
Fixing a lift of the aquarium is not so easy. It is super heavy,and requiers some care...