onsdag 23 augusti 2017

Memories from August - The raspberry season is starting

After a long day of rain it is now calm, without wind. It is nine at night and still it is light outside, and birds sing everywhere.

The giant flowers of rallaros (mjölkört) brings memories from when I was little. Then these flowers were everywhere! Tall and pink! Now they seem to be quite rare in our cultivated nature. I am really happy we have them here at a spot in the garden.

Behind the pink giants the raspberry field is spreading out between the nestles. This year the raspberries seem to be quite big!

This tagetes has a nice taste of orange, that I really like...

...whereas this tagetes is Johans favourite with its licorice tone.

Finally some of the fair roses in the garden!

posted from Bloggeroid

fredag 30 juni 2017


Today the weather services say it will rain a lot here. And yes, a steady drizzle has surely fallen all afternoon. One of those rains that just go on and on. But unlike autumn rains, with cold icyness, this rain is accompanied by summerwarmth. Ok, a Swedish perspective of it. It is around 15 degrees!

Just went out to get some sallad for our dinner, and was pleasantly surprised by the newly appeared dark peas!

And the drizzle made everything beautiful in a new way.

posted from Bloggeroid

onsdag 28 juni 2017

The rose time is here!

Just some examples of the wonderful roses we have around us at the moment!
You have to guess the scents they are spreading around the house - exquisite!

posted from Bloggeroid

Bröd av morotsblast och rödbetsblast

De senaste veckorna har vi ägnat strötimmar åt att rensa i morotsraderna. Massor av fina små plantor har vi dragit upp. De flesta har hittills blivit mat till kaninen, men igår testade jag en ny grej - Blastbröd!

Ett alldeles vanligt enkelt brödrecept, men istället för vatten eller ljummen mjölk, så hade jag en egengjord brödvätska.

Morötter och rödbetsblast skar jag ner och kokade snabbt i en gryta...

... Som jag sedan mixade till en grön soppa. Den fick svalna lite innan jag rörde ner den i jästen, som redan fått lite honung. Degen var väldigt grön till att börja med, men mår jag nått lagom mängd mjöl så var den mer ljus.

Två fina bröd blev det till slut!
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lördag 11 mars 2017

Sun and spring in the air

 A wonderful Saturday arrived  - finally with some sun! The weather made all of us happily eager to go into the garden.

Our big cat Rackarn in hunting mode. He sure is big and shows off like he owns the world around him - but he is not as fast as his little sister...
... However, he boldly climed the biggest tree in the garden, trying to get close to the little birds nearby. But he did not have any success in that. 

Cecilia with our little cat Lilla Tass, or Lillan, as we call her. She was running around in the bushes, and then suddenly totally spread out in the sun doing nothing. Next minute she was up again, hunting a leaf. Busy morning!

Everywhere in the garden little snowdrops appear. 

DoIt, the rabbit, was careful in the beguinning, seeking some secure place inside his miniden. 
But after some time in the sun he happily jumped around!

Johan put his latest invention in place - or actually secured it. Our first guests may now move in...

Built from an old trunk (who was recently knocked over by a car, and just happened to be the perfect size with a hollow inside) Johan has created a wonderful home for an owl (perhaps) or any animal who wants to crawl in and live there. 

lördag 28 januari 2017

A weekend with Flemish food

A long weekend in Belgium is a treat in many ways! Johan and I went to Brussels to meet up with his siblings, with families, in January. It was, as usual, a great fun event. 

Surpricingly, the winter temperatures were colder than in Sweden, and the sun was shining all weekend. There are lots of things to tell, but this text will focus on the food!

A wonderfully creamy chocolate cake!

When we arrived in Johans sisters house, his sister and her husband was still at work. As a welcome instead their wonderful dog greeted us warmly (once he understood who we were) and Johans sister had prepared a welcoming FIKA! Apple pie and chocolate cake, tea and candies.

Johan and a happy Banner!

For dinner later in the evening a speciality from Belgium was served – witloof in hesperolletjes en kaassaus (endiver inrullade i skinka, med ostsås). A dish which is real winter food, and one of my favourites. Unfortunately we ate it all up so I never had the possibility to take a photo – but do try it in Belguim if you have the opportunity!

On the Sunday we met up with Johans friends at a restaurant for brunch. The brunch was surely delicious with youghurts, tea, different special sandwiches, eggs and different sorts of hams, and then sweet breads as dessert. 
Incredible brunch!
The restaurant was part of a concept store, and linked to it was a shop where they sold really high quality products, mostly locally produced. If you would like to go ther - the name was CRU in Overijse. https://cru.be/nl/

Oranges and lemons galore

Whole branches of spices 

It was possible to taste a lot - here it is pepper which can be tried!

The meat section was not bad! At all! Here small chicken and birds!

And of corse there was a chocolate section - with shop assistant ready to help you choose

"Homemade" nutcream - really nice!

Tasting a great scallop which was served with some veggies and sauce.

Cool fish! 

fredag 27 januari 2017

Veggies and fruit for the new year!

A new year has started and small certain steps will soon bring us into spring!

This is really a time of longing for the light and warmth, and still enjoying the freshness in the cold, or actually just cool (around 0 degrees) days outside.

Happy in the January mist outside the stables
The past year suddenly feels so much further away, but we regularly see remnants from it – in the shape of stored veggies and fruit!
This autumn we decided to test two ways of storing apples. Some nice ones we just put on the shelves inside the old milk room in the stables. And some other ones we wrapped in newspaper (I had read that somewhere, that it would keep the fruit from going bad) and we put them in a basket in our “new” cellar.

Just recently I tried some of the last apples from the shelves. They have kept themselves beautifully, and are still really good in taste. Maybe a bit sweater even, than in September. The wrapped apples will be for later, most likely they end up in a last apples pie.

They just needed a good wash - The apples had managed our storage.

In the freezer Johan fund some pear-ginger-chili-cinnamon chutney as well, which we happily consumed with grilled chicken! This will be a chutney to repeat this autumn (if we get a good harvest this year too!)
More than we thought - of carrots and Jerusalem artichokes.

Just after New Year Cecilia and I went out to harvest the last carrots! And we found quite a few! We also managed to dig out some Jerusalem artichokes (jordärtskockor). The carrots tasted fantastic, and we already decided to seed more carrots for next year. But we also tried to get the red beet roots that were still in the ground, but they were not in a fancy shape. A bit soft and attacked by both animals and frost, we learnt they these roots need to get up earlier in the season.
And we did find Mr Carrot as well in our veggie garden!