torsdag 1 december 2016

How do you support friendship between two rabbits? And how do you add two cats to that family?

These questions have been rumbling in our heads for quite some time. It started this summer with our only rabbit Candy. She was increasingly difficult to handle, and ready to bite us if we wanted to catch her in her out door cage and bring her into the stables at night

Candy clearly needed a friend. Maybe. But the family rules were also quite clear – we did not want to suddenly have several little rabbits, that we needed to sell or, even "worse", to eat. According to wise people it is best for rabbits to have a friend, and preferably a sister or a brother, whom the rabbit knows from the beginning. 

Candy in the straw - almost still

When reading on the web it became clear that putting two rabbits of different backgrounds together was not an easy thing. They may hate each other for the rest of their lives, if both of them were dominant, and one did not give in. 

After some search I found a rabbit breeder who seemed to care in a very good way for her rabbits, and needed to sell a male rabbit. When I called her up she was very clear in that this rabbit needed to be off the market as a male. He needed to be castrated, because she had used him for breeding, and one of his off-springs had developed some physical problems. On the good side was that this little rabbit was a happy easy going lad with a very nice temperament. Maybe this could help our Candy to be a more easy rabbit too.

Do It who has jumped up in the new hay to check it out.

Now, finally, some months later, we can really see a difference! We have two happy rabbits that every morning and every evening jump out of their cages to play, run around and have fun in the big horsebox were they live now in the winter. Little "Do It" (the male) has very nicely accepted to have Candy as a friend, and Candy is still a bit puzzled over Do Its easy temperament. But she is so much easier to handle now!
When then the kittens moved in this autumn, we really took care in the beginning never to leave rabbits and cats alone. Our little cat Tass has always been careful with the rabbits, but early on we saw the big cat trying to play in a cat way with Candy. He would sit behind a corner, and when Candy passed he quickly stuck out his paw to tap her. Not acceptable! 

But after some training together (encouraging him to be careful with paws and claws) Candy started to try to play with him. She would suddenly jump towards him. And wow, did he move quickly to a more secure place!

Now it is nice to see that the cats always come into the rabbit-box when the rabbits are loose. Quite often they say hello to eachother, sniffing, and several times we have seen the cats carefully lick the rabbits. And the rabbits come close, close to the cats for some affection.
Tass in Cecilias lap, checking out Do It. We still supevise the encounters a bit when needed.

One night Candy managed to escape from her cage, and when we came out in the morning we saw a happy rabbit with two cats. They should be enemies, but they are not. And that feels really nice!

It would be nice to have a picture of all four together but that is still impossible. They are all 4 very different in character, and none of them are wanting to understand what it means to sit still. However, that is good. I hope they continue to be natural animals with their instincts still intact to some degree.

The tricky thing now is to teach the cats to actually understand that the rats, however, are there for them to catch. Since the cats came the rats has basically disappeared over night, but they are still living there somewhere. And we do not know who is eating all the cat food each night -  every morning the bowls are totally empty….

Rackarn relaxing in the straw

söndag 27 november 2016

Mårten Gås - Good food and family is brought together

St Martin was a guy in the 16 century (1500-talet) who were reluctant to be elected bishop. He hid in the goose pen, but the geese made such noise that he was found.  Later on he became the known bishop Saint Martin from Tours, France. The tradition to eat goose is related to him, and in the Medieval times the tradition to celebrate him was important.

In Sweden the first notice of a goose feast is actually from Stockholm, in 1557 (The Nordic Museum has written a very nice text about this tradition.). Nowadays it is mainly in the south, in Skåne, where goose is eaten on the evening the 10th November, the day before St Martins day, which is the 11th November. That started in the mid-1800. The name Martin in Swedish becomes Mårten.

In our family Mårten Gås has always been celebrated! My grandparents lived on a big farm, breeding mainly turkey and chicken, but every year they also had some geese, specifically for Mårten. In the sixties my grandmother wrote down the recipe (we have since then used the same recipe each year!) for the “Svartsoppa”, a goose blood soup (it includes a lot of good red wine and has to be served with sherry), with goose sausage made from the goose throat and paté. The main course is the goose cooked in the oven , with the related extras of red cabbage, apple halves with red currant gelé, apple mousse, potatoes, sauce, and as a dessert – the petit choux in the shape of swans (or geese) filled with vanilla ice cream. (No apple-pie! That is what you usually get if you eat Mårten in a restaurant. Never in my family J)

This year Johan and I decided to invite the family for the feast, and on the Saturday 12 November (2 days late…. But OK) the whole house was full of nice relatives.
Axel helps with apples and sallad

Lotta rinses sallad.

My sister Lotta, who had flown up from Belgium, and Axel supported us in the morning by pealing and boiling all the apples halves in sugar water. My parents came with the 2 geese and the black soup that they had prepared the day before. And the sauce of course! Before the dessert I had some good helpers to organize the swans, and fill them with the ice cream. (And I think some creative children found some chocolate sauce to add on the swans…)

The soup and goose came with my parents
It tasted like it should - perfectly round, with a twist of sherry

We all fit in the livinng room. Amazing house with great space!

Lots of gossip going on in the childrens corner of the table...

It felt great to see everybody again, and to be able to sit together and talk and have fun.  
The swans with powered sugar on top!

måndag 10 oktober 2016


Birdwatching is fun.

Carin's son compared it with Pokemon Go. You try to find as much birds (Pokemon) as possible. And the more special the bird (Pokemon), the better.
It is even possible that your celphone is saying where to go for finding the birds ... euh ... or is it Pokemon.

Some time ago I saw passing a golden eagle (kungsörn - steenarend). 2 raven were flying high in the sky and the eagle was flying above them. Still the raven seemed to be small birds. 
This is the first time I see him here. Golden Eagle is a local bird. I see them quite often in the winter along the highways. They feed on the carcasses killed by the cars. 
And while I was writing this some time ago, an osprey (fiskgjuse - visarend) showed up, heading straight towards the south. This is a real migratory bird.

Some spotted flycatchers (grå flugsnappare - grauwe vliegenvanger) stayed some time in our garden. Even 2 European pied flycatcher (svartvit flugsnappare - bonte vliegenvanger) joined them. It looked even funny as there were at least 6 or 7 flycatchers in the pear tree in the middle of our lawn. Typical for flycatchers is that they catch something in the air and return to the same place. Multiply this with the number of birds and our peer tree seemed to have sparks flying in all directions.
The flycatchers are gone now. Together with the swallows. The last group was a little group of youngsters who came to say goodbye but now the sky is not any more loaded with their antics. The robins (rödhaka - roodborstje) have taken over. 

Erik was here again. Although we did work hard on the farm, we escaped 2 days towards Falsterbo.
Falsterbo is one of the best places in Europe to watch birds in migration time. As good as al the Swedish and Norwegian, and even a part of the Finish migratory birds are passing in this peninsula on 40 minutes drive from our gård (farm).
Each bird has his migration period. In the end of august it was the time for the raptors.  So we took 2 white plastic chairs, 3 binoculars, an old telescope and a pocket camera. Especially the second day was really fun. When we left more than 100 people was standing or sitting in a row to see the raptors flying by.

Reports can be found on

The plastic chairs were not "conventional", but our being in Falsterbo turned out to be a wonderful experience with lots of raptors comming over close or far away.
At each side a row of birdwatchers focussing on the birdspecies comming over.


Now we are nearby finished harvesting. Pears, plums, apples, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, elderberries, rowan berries, ... it's hard to keep harvesting and processing in time.

Every morning I enter the garden and pick some fallen fruit to make a fresh juice.  Now I am in the pears and apples. I even started to use the fruit remains separated from the juice by the juicer, to make pancakes.

Just take a big handful of the remains put 2 or 3 towered spoons of flower and 1 or 2 eggs (depending how soft you want to have it). I take a spoon full of "dough" and drop it at the side of the pan. As it is quite consistent, I use the spoon to smear it open into a small pancake. When they are baked at one side, I turn them around and push them even a little bit flatter to have 2 nice sides. It taste wonderful, a pancake with a touch of apple and pear.

Our vegetable garden changed in a lush flowerbed.

Also the vegetable garden has given his full load now. Carrots, beans, several different coals, parsley, and of course very Swedish the dill, ... all this wealth let us feel happy to have this wonderful place.
A big cauliflower (blomkol - bloemkool) still hidden but eaten soon.
The only white cabbage (vitkål - witte kool) not full of holes caused by the snails.
Kale (grönkål - krulkool) surrounded by high growing marigolds.
 Even harvesting zucchinis (squash - courgette) is trying to empty the ocean with a thimble. They give far more fruit than we can eat.
Two 3 kg heavy zucchinis waiting for harvesting.
Our little tiny yellow zucchinis

The salad Carin has seeded, is fully grown.
The salad turned out to be soft tasty.
Yesterday evening we ate homemade sandwiches with cheese and ham, richly covered with salad or for the warm sandwiches with parsley under the melted cheese. Carin even had put freshly picked grape on top of it. A few days ago the East Indian Cherry was the coloured appetizer.
It is wonderful to  have al this good things straight from the garden on the table. Although the children do not like so much to eat vegetables Carin and I enjoy every little bite we take.

And to end, you can imagine our newly bought freezer is already quite full. 

obstruction in the sewer system and the rainwater system

Our farm is renovated in the 70's by the parents of the former owner. The base of the farm although is in his present form build somewhere around 1880. Even from earlier being 1840 there should be some sources but most probably that was not in the present form of the farm.
That also means some of the things remain from the early period. You have already discovered together with us the basement. Most probably build in the beginning but closed "for ever" in the 70's?

New in the 70's was the sewer system. Concrete and plastic are the materials used to evacuate the used dirty water from the sinks, bath, shower, ... Even more recently a pump pit was added to pump the dirty water towards the water treatment plant in Malmö. We had already some problems as the pump broke down. And the bulb from the alarm light was broken. So the pump and the electronics had to be replaced. The municipality of Staffanstorp was very helpful, fast and kind to help is with their part. And the whole system needed cleaning from all the dirt piled up. Therefor we had to ask a private company.
the electronics were submerged and totally broken down

The pit had to be empty as the pomp was lower in another compartment.

Where I wasn't aware of, is that this really old farm has a separate sewer system. In Belgium this was coming up only in the 80's. So the dirty water is pumped away. The rainwater is another story. 
After cleaned up the sewer system it turned out that the rainwater system is also clogged. Moreover, even some of the rainwater goes to the sewer system. And we have to pay for that. But even if we should not care spending money on discharging rainwater in the sewer system, it is very stupid to do so. Rainwater doesn't need to be purified. It's reducing the efficiency of the water treatment plant. So there is an urgent need to clean this pipes too. But... it's very unclear were all the pipes are and go. It was even not sure there were pipes. Was it not just a stonepit as they used to do so here? 

When Erik was here a few weeks ago we began digging. Starting at a rain pipe, following it in the ground, till we hit something else. And yes there was water and yes it was clogged. so we took a 10 meter iron stick and tried to push through it. Unfortunately we did not hit any resistance. So the clot was not reached. 
Hitting all kind of tubes and kabels in the ground.

failing to clean the pipe.

So we looked with a (hired) camera. One thing became clear. There are tubes going down, comming together and then most probably passing the farm. But that point is still unclear.  There are no pits to monitor ... so digging is needed.
Rainy weather obstructing my digging today. The hole, already 1,5 meter deep, is covered preventing to fall into it.

One luck we have is that just down the buildings there is a lid on a pit for the rainwater comming down and rying to escape towards the road. And there it is not clogged. So now I started digging there.  And found already some promissing things be it quite deep. And when we could hit the central tube, we hopefully will be able to clean out the pipe upwards. 

Just some "nice" pictures.

Very special clouds above our farm.

"The proof". The third species of eagle above our farm. An osprey (fiskgjuse - visarend). Unfortunately the camera would not join my enthousiasm and the bird turned out to be not more than a spot of dirt in the sky. :-(

söndag 2 oktober 2016

Brussels - impressions of diversity

For three days I have been walking the streets of Brussels again, or rather a very small corner of the large city, the quarters of Ixelles, which lies on either side of the Louisa Laan (Avenue de Louise) south east of the city centre, just next to the EU-buildings.

The reason for my trip was a workshop, held in Belsbo, organized by JPI Climate and Belmont Forum. I will spare you the details on that (It was really good! Totally on Climate Services in a wide scope) and instead show you some really interesting things about Brussels. 

This time I stayed in a little Apart-hotel (Axl Flathotel, on Rue de la Croix) which means that breakfast was not included (You could get breakfast to your room, but all rooms were equipped with a mini-kitchen) So, I had to go hunt for food. Just nearby there was a huge Delhaize located (a chain like ICA or COOP in Sweden) with a fantastic big range of stuff – I found my favorite Yoghurt Pur Natur, as well as a great invention – pre-cut veggies for a Ministrone, complete with a small amount of sauce (in a separate package) to just boil up, and Voila – Dinner served!
Super food!!!
On my way to Delhaize I came across something typical Belgian (typical in my eyes - Belgians may think differently). Behind a high fence some large green trees were sticking up, revealing what looked like a secret garden in the middle of all the stony streets and walls of apartments. A little heaven with calm and green, for birds and humans to enjoy.
Secret gardens with lots of shade from the big trees.
This is what is suggested as a good future strategy
to lower the high temperatures in big cities,
a phenomenon called the Urban heat Island.
The mix of old and new is striking. The old cobblestones are a hard to walk on (because it is also quite hilly) if you wear anything but sneakers (which I try to do when I get dressed up for meetings).

There is a special thing about the Belgian houses that never ceases to amaze me. In spots and locations where Swedish people would shake their heads in despair, Belgians actually manage quite well to squeeze in a house or two, and even make it look cozy and nice. Or a tree.

Smart use of tiny space - tall row houses

Stony dark roads are maybe not the best place for a
little tree, but there it is. A nice green space.

Belgians are just excellent builders of small houses. And with small, I mean narrow, but high row houses. Further, there is always something green around, despite the stones and walls. Often beautiful old plants are climbing to the wall surfaces, creating what we now in modern day adaptation times call green walls, but which more has the origin in plants gone wild. Absolutely wild, and the people in the house have just enjoyed it, and let it be. And seen the beauty of it, I guess. And just added some more flowers on the side to match it up.

Having spent so much time on adaptation, discussing greening of cities, green and blue urban planning, nature based solutions… this already exists to some degree around the blocks where I walked. We often talk about capacity building , on educating the citizens on what to do to adapt to climate change, but often it is forgotten that quite some citizens are already using the techniques that we suggest, and they also have developed them in places where we did not even think about them. 

A green surface gone wild...

A slightly more managed tree, in a place where
it seems to be impossible to grow anything
- I love these nice green spaces!

All the new stuff that comes from research – on how to plan and how to build and where to do what when it comes to adaptation – is often found already in the older existing buildings and around older houses. Often things have been put there because people liked it (some trees for shade, a secret garden, some extra flowers on the front of the house).  And in a very delicate way Belgians, with their flexible and solution oriented minds seem to be the silent masters of it. They do not stand up in the research community and scream on top of the walls – Look what we have done! It is really nice and useful! 

The Belgians just simply seem to do things, to make diversity and adaptation and planning work in reality, and then go on with their other things. Practically. No fuzz. No “look-at -fantastic-me”. They just simply do things, and make them work. It is something I really like about what I have come to see in Belgium. Actions, solutions and diversity of ideas, with both feet still on the ground.

One house wall was covered in beautiful flowers (Passions fruit flowers)

Another example of high row houses, mixing modern layouts with old.
No house looks the same. All are individually designed,
so far from the "carpets" of modern rowhouses in Sweden, where all are exactly the same. 

söndag 18 september 2016

Adding animals

I still work only 50% which means that quite some time is spent at home doing relaxing stuff to gain strength. And the weather has certainly helped to keep us all in good spirits. Johan found the "hängmatta" finally, and he managed to tie it to one of the apple trees. Felt great to sit there all afternoon last Sunday. Cecilia joined me with some homework, and icecream.

Beautiful weather and 25 degrees. Cannot complain.
Lunch last weekend outside. Luxury in September!

This weekend has suddenly felt as if autumn is coming. A bit more windy, and the yearly Kulturnatten i Lund - a day and night festival where a lot of culture is on display everywhere in the city, and you meet everyone you know, or havenot seen for a long time at various events, or in the cue to a drink or a local hotdog (Lundaknake). This year our highlight was that Cecilia performed with her oboe-group in a small concert arranged by the Kulturskolan ( The Cultureschool). Lots of classical pieces played by pupils from 8 to 12. And much of it sounded very nice!

One of the pink sunsets last week...

Our Sunday has been a real adventure. We finally went to pick up our cats, who are going to help us in the stables, and hopefully get the rats to dissapear. Two kittens, just abit more than 3 months, brother and sister, was picked up from my parents friends place, where they grew up.

Extremely curious of the new place, the kittens went exploring immidiately when we came home. But for some days we will try to keep them inside the stable... 

Turned out to be tough to move and meet new friends like rabbits and horses. The afternoon nap was as sudden and deep as the running and chasing a pretend mouse was intense the minute before. 
We hope that the cats will like it here, and fit in easily. They do not have proper names yet, because we were told it means bad luck to name them before they are 1 years old, but they have been adressed as Tass och Rackarn, two quite fitting names...

Inside the house Johan has started the next animal project - getting the aquarium settled in. It is a huge glassbox, and he has checked the floor in the living room and decided that we need some re-enforcements to be able to have the aquarium where we want it. With water in it it weighs around 1000 kg. Today he has started the lifting of the big thing, in order to get the beams and the protection underneeth it. Then we soon can add some fish as well!!!
Fixing a lift of the aquarium is not so easy. It is super heavy,and requiers some care... 

fredag 26 augusti 2016


August and September are the months for harvesting. And yes, it was quite silent the last days but the fruits of our garden have been continuously growing.
Yesterday I harvested all the potatoes.  

 On the backside you can see our sunflowers. The seedlings were eaten by the snails, the drought in spring stopped them from growing. Roe deer came by and destroyed some (still visible on the picture) The strong wind has blown them down. But finaly the left overs wer big and strong over 3 meter. They will serv as food for the birds in winter. 

The poptatoes are stored in our newly discovered basement. The perfect place for such a storage. 

Meanwhile the rest of the vegetable garden is suppling us from different vegetables. 

 This vieuw on our vegetable garden looks more or less fine. There are still some nettles between the salad. We use the young nettles in the soup.

Worse is when you take a picture from the other side. It doesn't look any more the perfect kept garden. This pictures will help also those who felt guilty about their own wild garden. :-)

Zucchni and kale between the marigold.

Sorel, Cauliflower, broccoli, marigold and a lot of weed
Also the fruit is ripe. The blue plums are nearby finished. The yellow are on their best. The little pears are falling down  (What do you do with pears from a thumb big?) And the first appels are used in applecake and other things in the kitchen. 

Of course also some other animals love to eat them. Butterflies on the plums and wasps on the pears.

Vespula vulgaris