måndag 10 oktober 2016

obstruction in the sewer system and the rainwater system

Our farm is renovated in the 70's by the parents of the former owner. The base of the farm although is in his present form build somewhere around 1880. Even from earlier being 1840 there should be some sources but most probably that was not in the present form of the farm.
That also means some of the things remain from the early period. You have already discovered together with us the basement. Most probably build in the beginning but closed "for ever" in the 70's?

New in the 70's was the sewer system. Concrete and plastic are the materials used to evacuate the used dirty water from the sinks, bath, shower, ... Even more recently a pump pit was added to pump the dirty water towards the water treatment plant in Malmö. We had already some problems as the pump broke down. And the bulb from the alarm light was broken. So the pump and the electronics had to be replaced. The municipality of Staffanstorp was very helpful, fast and kind to help is with their part. And the whole system needed cleaning from all the dirt piled up. Therefor we had to ask a private company.
the electronics were submerged and totally broken down

The pit had to be empty as the pomp was lower in another compartment.

Where I wasn't aware of, is that this really old farm has a separate sewer system. In Belgium this was coming up only in the 80's. So the dirty water is pumped away. The rainwater is another story. 
After cleaned up the sewer system it turned out that the rainwater system is also clogged. Moreover, even some of the rainwater goes to the sewer system. And we have to pay for that. But even if we should not care spending money on discharging rainwater in the sewer system, it is very stupid to do so. Rainwater doesn't need to be purified. It's reducing the efficiency of the water treatment plant. So there is an urgent need to clean this pipes too. But... it's very unclear were all the pipes are and go. It was even not sure there were pipes. Was it not just a stonepit as they used to do so here? 

When Erik was here a few weeks ago we began digging. Starting at a rain pipe, following it in the ground, till we hit something else. And yes there was water and yes it was clogged. so we took a 10 meter iron stick and tried to push through it. Unfortunately we did not hit any resistance. So the clot was not reached. 
Hitting all kind of tubes and kabels in the ground.

failing to clean the pipe.

So we looked with a (hired) camera. One thing became clear. There are tubes going down, comming together and then most probably passing the farm. But that point is still unclear.  There are no pits to monitor ... so digging is needed.
Rainy weather obstructing my digging today. The hole, already 1,5 meter deep, is covered preventing to fall into it.

One luck we have is that just down the buildings there is a lid on a pit for the rainwater comming down and rying to escape towards the road. And there it is not clogged. So now I started digging there.  And found already some promissing things be it quite deep. And when we could hit the central tube, we hopefully will be able to clean out the pipe upwards. 

Just some "nice" pictures.

Very special clouds above our farm.

"The proof". The third species of eagle above our farm. An osprey (fiskgjuse - visarend). Unfortunately the camera would not join my enthousiasm and the bird turned out to be not more than a spot of dirt in the sky. :-(

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