söndag 22 maj 2016

Rhubarb and lemon

I like marmalade and I like to make it. It’s easy and goes fast. And if you make it yourself it tastes much better.

I just made some marmalade from rhubarb. And to make the taste a little bit more sour I add a slice of lemon with the peel. Of course they are organic.

The nightingale

Yesterday there was a nightingale singing in the garden. They migrate still late in the season so most probably it was a migrant. The farmland that surround us is not a good biotope for nightingales. They prefer a bushy swamp.

I like the song of nightingales. The sound is so strong. Of course it should have been better to hear them at night, when the moon is shining and the silence is empty. Then the nightingale takes it al. It let the air vibrate and it blows you away. And in one way or another the strangeness of the song makes you happy.
During the day the song is less powerful although it's still showing the other birds and noises that you better be silent when this nightingale sings.

I wanted to post it on https://www.artportalen.se. There all of the observations from Sweden are collected. When I filled it in they said there were only 8 observations of this species. Waow. And I had one in the garden. They asked me to have a proof of it. This was an ultimate test for my new smartphone. So I filmed the garden, asked Timon (the one from the films) about a nice program and took of the noises. But then I could not find how to upload the sound file. So I published without sound. 
But I want you to hear the little brown bird on the background of this video. Also here I could not find out to publish only the sound. 
Meanwhile you can see that the colours of the spring flowers is taken over by the lush green.

When I looked back to the observation of the day, I saw there was something as a thrush nightingale.  I knew they existed but never thought to see or hear one. It turns out here there are no nightingales and quite some thrush nightingales here. And yes the song was a little bit different. So at the end it turned out to be this new species for me. So I quickly changed it. And I know for sure this is not the first time I have heard it. 

torsdag 19 maj 2016

Strange things in the ground

Uppåkra was between 100 B.C. till 1000 A.D. one of the biggest ancient villages known (until now) in Sweden. They found artefacts from quite a part of the world (a bowl from the Black Sea region, silver and gold coins from Rome and a silver beaker from some local highly skilled goldsmith). All diggings together they found already several thousand artefacts found on different diggings. If the artefacts are not on travel in the rest of the world (now in Germany) you can find them in the Barbaricum exhibition at the Lund University Historical Museum.

A lot of nice and good information is available on http://uppakra.se/

The builded area in Uppåkra was around 40 ha. So as we live close there is a chance we can find also some artefacts deep in the ground. Problem is, if we dig up something, we have to pay the excavation from the archeologists on our lawn. So it’s a bad idea to dig deep into the ground looking for gold and silver coins.

But we did found already thousands of artefacts our self. I guess not so important stuff...

This is the result of 1 day working in the garden.

While digging in the ground and cleaning up nettles, also strange things are coming on our way. The function of these two rusty metal utensils are still unknown.

I thought a antique geological hammer but Carin was sure they were different. And some search on internet showed she was right. But we didn't found out what it was.