onsdag 4 maj 2016

Eagles on the web.

A few days ago an eagle was passing our farm (gård). Even for this place it’s quite special. It was a greater or lesser spotted eagle (Aquila clanga or A. pomarina. – en skrikörn – een schreeuw- of bastaardarend). I guess it was A. pomarina. So I informed my good friend Herwig about it. He is very good in raptors (and is meanwhile also Sweden lover and highly skilled aquarelle nature painter) 

aquarelle by Herwig Blockx
see http://tourinnes.be/parcours/herwig-blockx-2/

In Belgium when you see animals, birds, insects, plants, mushrooms … in fact all what’s living, you can post it in a database (www.waarnemingen.be) run by Natuurpunt (a Flemish nature association) . Administrators approve the observations. So for me, loving ladybirds, it’s fun to follow (and approve) what ladybirds are seen in Flanders.

My friend Herwig told me there was also something like that in Sweden. 


He suggested to look there to see if this eagle was seen on other places too. That was not the case.
But it was interesting enough to become member of the database. The eagle, some common birds and some common ladybirds I have seen in the last days are already added. And now I know also that I can see some really interesting ladybirds here in the neighbourhood (Cynegetis impunctata, Hippodamia septemmaculata, …) or a little bit further (Sospita vigintiguttata).

And soon this couple of linnets who feed on the little seeds on our courtyard will be in it too.

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