tisdag 2 februari 2016

In search for paint!

Finally the day was here - when we recieved the keys, and could go to the farm as owners. Wow!

It felt great! But at the same time scary - there is a lot we need to learn. We need to get to know the house, and all its details. Like where do we regulate the heat, how does the dishwasher work, and where are all the switches for the lamps. But the feeling is overwhelmingly of the happy sort! Our adventure has started.

The first thing to do is to get the childrens rooms in order. After some discussions it has been decided that one room should be softly pink, and one room creamy white. In Malmö (at Byggfabriken) we found some nice paint to fit our needs. We ended up choosing a paint which is labled "natural", which meant that it does not contain any plastics or petrochemical substances.

Tomorrow the first coat of paint will go on (with some very much appriciated help from Carins parents!).
Byggfabriken i Malmö 

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