söndag 7 februari 2016

We have moved in - Wij zijn verhuisd

Finally - After two rounds to the apartment, picking up furniture and things, we settled in the house yesterday thanks to help and support of some great friends and relatives. Many thanks to all of you!

Things that went perfect: moving the stuff in and out of the house, thanks to many hands and strong arms.
The relief of the day: When we realised that we (or maybe more honestly - Carin :-)) had totally forgotten the code to the storage, so we will have to empty that another day (But in the end that was probably the best, because I think everybody had moved enough).
The tastiest food of the day: My mother's lunch with sallad, and my aunt's wonderful "Flyttgröt" (Move-in porridge, Rijstpap)
Hardest thing to get into the house: The kitchen table - had to try three doors before there was a total success.

Ett rejält salladsbord med klassikern spagetti och köttfärssås mättade bra efter alla lyften! Stort tack för mat och starka armar!
This morning when we woke up for the first time in the house, the sun was just starting to shine, and the light was visible through the windows of the stables at the other side of the inner court yard. Johan made a great morning juice, and the spice in it for the day was horseradish! (We were out of ginger)
Recipe: 4 Oranges, 2 apples, 6 carrots, and 5 cm horseradish, mixed in the fruitjuicemaker.
Busy making strong fresh juice the first morning in the house.

And then a tour around the garden in the winter sun - or spring sun - showed several little flowers already! Snow drops, Winter Aconite (Flemish:Winterakoniet, Swedish: Vintergäck), and the start of Scillas and Tulips close to the house, and under some bushes.
Just outside the house several small flowers are starting to show.

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