fredag 15 april 2016

Short-eared owl

You probably already remarked I like nature. So when I do things my eyes are always open on possible observations.
When I sit here in front of my computer I look down on our courtyard. And above the stables I can see a small piece of sky.
Very remarkable is that I see quite a lot of birds passing in that small piece. Just some moments ago, I saw something my Belgian birder friends would certainly love to see too.
There was passing a Short-eared owl (SE: jorduggla, NL: velduil, LA: Asio flammeus) just flapping wild as some Hooded crows were trying to chase him away. I could see the owl disappearing direction Lund (N) and before Lund gliding softly down to the fields more to the east, and disappearing behind our barn.

I start to think this place is really a good place for the bird migration in spring.

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