torsdag 30 juni 2016

The vegetable garden

If one live on a farm you are morally obliged to do at least something that looks like farming. Raising a vegetable garden is a minimum I suppose. The little playground we have mentioned before was good but far too small to count as a real vegetable garden for a farm. With only beans you can not live. The potato field was a good beginning but there was need for more. So I prepared another piece of ground alongside the potato field. Or in short conclusion I could not stop myself as it is just fun to seed and plant and to see it all grow.

The piece of land we had in mind was totally overgrown by nettles so it was hard work to clear it in a good way. At one stage Carin and I were crawling on our knees advancing centimetre after centimetre to get all the weeds gone. So we had quite some time to talk about ideas (like having a party) and the future of the farm. After being cleared as good as possible it looked quite well once laid in beds. Let's hope that the most of the weeds are gone. 

Unfortunately after 3 days we had a huge thunderstorm with 40 mm rain in a few hours. And I feared that all of the seeds were washed away. But look, because of the warm humid weather nearby all of the seeds were already showing their first little leaves. And most of them still grew in rows.

The dill did not stay wel in its row.
Purslane did quite well.

Different coles and a zucchini were in fact the first habitants of the beds. They love this kind of weather. So till now not one has died, even if the little plants didn't look as happy as when we bought them. Next year we have to seed them ourselves!
The little roots from dill and parsley, left overs from first taking the leaves in the kitchen, were perfect to fill a row. And they are going well, just like the coles, since they love the warm rainy days. So they are also recuperating and showing off there first leave again. 

Meanwhile our potato field is growing well! Some of the sunflowers boarding the field are already over 1,5 meter high and for sure they will head for over another meter. 

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